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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Food Trucks

I am intrigued by this phenomenon. Growing up in San Diego in the 70s and 80s, you certainly didn't think of the taco truck as anything but a roach coach; nasty food when you were absolutely desperate, and afterward, you prayed you didn't get sick. But THESE days, especially in Los Angeles and other hip, trend-setting towns like Portland and Austin, they are all the rage! I got a Twitter account specifically so that I could find the Kogi BBQ Truck. Got in line about 45 minutes before the truck even arrived, and ate in the car with my husband next to a park. It was delicious and I gotta say, totally worth it!

There are others. Tomorrow, there is a Fest in Long Beach and LA! I'm so glad, because I didn't want to have to get crazy trying to locate CoolHaus, the ice cream sandwich truck driven by and inspired by designers, architects, and other radical foodie people. It's going to come to me!

LB Street Food Fest:


Unknown said...

I love this picture... it's perfect.

Ribeye said...

I found out from the Calbi BBQ truck driver that the city of Long Beach will not allow food trucks to park anywhere in the city and they will not issue permits for them to do so. He said he was surprised that the food truck fest was in LB.

So that's why we don't get any food trucks in our neighborhood.